Warcraft 2 Player Index

Useful guide on Warcraft 2 Players


Level: 8/10
Maps: Predominantly GOW, but plays anything

Likes to hang with: AA.NoobNiko
Servers used: RU, USA
Newb-friendliness rating: 10/10, aside from nonsense spam
Notes: Loves to 2v3 and 3v4 and to type in all caps about Princess Sophia coming out to play.


Level: 11/10
Maps: Loves FOC, HSC, water but plays anything
Likes to hang with: He-Man, iz7z, LordVaras
Servers used: RU, USA, Remaster
Newb-friendliness rating: 9/10 (lost 1 point for yelling at u8 in RU)
Notes: Achieved "Best Ally of All Time Nomination", is attentive to and helpful to allies, loves to use sappers


Level: 5/10
Maps: World Dom, water, plays anything
Likes to hang with: Raggin, NewbieNr1
Servers used: RU, USA
Newb-friendliness rating: 9/10 (lost 1 point for diminished W2 enthusiasm)
Notes: Likes to ski and play frisbee golf